

This data protection declaration is intended to inform the users of this website in accordance with the Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz) and the Telemedia Act (Telemediengesetz) about the type, scope and purpose of the collection and use of personal data by the website operator. The website operator takes your data protection very seriously and treats your personal data confidentially and according to the legal regulations. Please keep in mind that data transmission on the Internet can always be subject to security gaps. Complete protection against access by third parties is not feasible.


Mr. Ulrich Schaefer 
Carstenstr. 12 
25797 Wöhrden 

For further information please contact us. 


The website operator or site provider collects data about accesses to the site and stores these as "server log files". The following data is logged in this way:

- Visited website 
- Time at the time of access 
- Amount of data sent in bytes 
- Source/reference from which you came to the page 
- used Browser 
- used operating system  
- used IP address 

The data will be used exclusively for statistical purposes. The data will not be passed on to third parties. This Internet offer does not use techniques which are based on the following to evaluate the access behavior of individual users. Personal user profiles are not created. With an agreement on "order data processing" (Auftragsdatenverarbeitung“) (ADV), according to §11 Bundesdatenschutzgesetz (BDSG), the provider 1&1 Internet AG explicitly certifies you a legal basis that dealing safely with your data in the data centres of 1&1 Internet SE. 


Our Internet offer can contain references to contents of other providers. These are indicated by the indication of explicit links (e.g., on the basis of appropriate notes in the text or the marking with the symbol recognizable. External links are also opened in a separate browser window. The use of these contents may be subject to other specifications than those presented here.


The website operator collects, uses and passes on your personal data only if this is permitted by law or if you are involved in data collection. Personal data is all information which serves to determine your person and which can be traced back to you, such as your name, e-mail address and telephone number.


If you connect to the website operator through the contact options offered, your details will be stored so that they can be used for processing and answer to your request can be resorted to. These data will not be passed on to third parties without your consent.


If we ask you to provide personal data (e.g. name, address or e-mail address) within the framework of this offer, we will tell you in the respective online form, for what purpose we collect them and how we process them. It is up to you to decide whether you wish to provide this data or not.


If you wish to use any of the chargeable services that may be offered on our website, we must, for billing purposes and for security reasons, may collect further data from you. This regularly involves your name, a valid e-mail address and, if applicable, your address and your telephone number and maybe further informations, depending on the individual case. This may also include content that allows us to verify the data provided, such as your ownership of the email address provided. For legal reasons, we must ensure that you actually use the services offered, so we can properly invoice you for the service.


In the context of the legal imprint obligation we must publish our contact data. These will be used by third parties to send unsolicited advertising and information. We hereby object to any sending of advertising material of any kind not expressly authorised by us.

We also expressly reserve the right to take legal action against the unwanted and unsolicited sending of advertising material. This applies in particular to so-called spam e-mails, spam letters and spam faxes. We would like to point out that the unauthorized transmission of advertising material can affect competition law, civil law and criminal law. Spam e-mails and spam faxes in particular can lead to high claims for damages if they disrupt business operations by overfilling mailboxes or fax machines. 


The content on our website may also include content, services and performances of other providers which supplement our offer. Examples of such offers are maps of Google Maps, YouTube videos or graphic representations of third parties. Calling up these services from third parties regularly requires the transmission of your IP address. This makes it possible for these providers to perceive your user IP address and also to store it. We make every effort to include only those third-party providers who use IP addresses for the sole purpose of delivering the content. However, we have no influence on which third party provider may store the IP address. This storage may, for example, be used for statistical purposes. Should we become aware of storage processes by third parties, we will immediately inform our users of this fact. Please note in this context, we also provide special privacy statements for individual third parties and service providers whose services we use on our website. You will also find them in this privacy statement.


Currently we do not offer a newsletter.


In certain cases, so-called temporary cookies can be used. These do not contain any personal data and will be automatically deleted after the session with the close of your web browser. In the case of a link, cookies from third parties may be used without our being able to expressly inform you. The common browsers allow it to determine the processing of such cookies so that you can deactivate the storage of these cookies or set the type of processing by your browser.


Currently we do not use a Google Maps plugin.


This page uses so-called web fonts to display the font. These are provided by Google ( Your browser loads the required web font into your browser cache when you call up our page. This is necessary so that your browser can also display an optically improved display of our texts. If your browser does not support this function, a standard font will be used by your computer to display the text.

Further information on Google Web Fonts can be found at

You can find general information about data protection at Google at


This site does not use Google Analytics.


This offer does not currently support data encryption in the form of SSL, but uses the support via HTTP. When your data is transmitted over the Internet, it is therefore possible that it can be noted or changed by unauthorized persons.


Information, correction and deletion

As a user, you will receive free information about which personal data about you has been stored at your request. If your request does not conflict with a legal obligation to store data (e.g. data retention), you have the right to correct incorrect data and to block or delete your personal data. Your data will be processed on the basis of statutory regulations. Only in exceptional cases do we need your consent. In these cases you have the right to revoke your consent for future processing.  You have also the right to complain to the competent data protection supervisory authority if you are of the opinion that the processing of your personal data will not be carried out according to the law. The address of the supervisory authority (Independent State Centre for Data Protection Schleswig-Holstein), which is responsible for us: 

Unabhängiges Landeszentrum für Datenschutz Schleswig-Holstein 
Mrs. Marit Hansen 
Holstenstrasse 98 
24103 Kiel 
Phone: ++49(0)431-9881200 

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